Kel`Thuzad - The Lich

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kel`Thuzad - The Lich

Kel`Thuzad - The Lich
Range: 550 | Move Speed: 295
Primary: INT
Str: 18 + 1.55 | Agi: 15 + 2.0 | Int: 18 + 3.25
Damage: 37 - 56 | HP: 492 | Mana: 234
HP Regen: 0.79 | Mana Regen: 0.73
Attack Speed: 1.48 | Armor: 1
Forcibly raised from the dead by the Lich King to serve as his elite magical guard, the Lich has the burning cold of Northrend in his realm of control. Evoking numerous freezing blasts, his talent in life still remains in death. Delving into the essence of cold magic, he has the power to cause ice to condense into an orb that bounces from foe to foe, causing tremendous pain in its wake. Sacrificing his allies for magical power, the Lich is a murderer without a trace of warmth. 

Frost Nova (V)
Blasts enemy units around a target enemy unit with a wave of damaging frost that slows movement and attack rates for 4 seconds.
Level 1 - 50 target damage and 75 nova damage.
Level 2 - 100 target damage and 100 nova damage.
Level 3 - 125 target damage and 125 nova damage.
Level 4 - 175 target damage and 150 nova damage.
Mana Cost: 125/150/170/190
Cooldown: 9.25 

Frost Armor (F)
Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows attacking melee units for 2 seconds.
Lasts 40 seconds.
Level 1 - Adds 3 armor.
Level 2 - Adds 6 armor.
Level 3 - Adds 9 armor.
Level 4 - Adds 12 armor.
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 5 seconds

Dark Ritual (D)
Sacrifices a target friendly unit to convert its hit points into mana.
Level 1 - 15% of hit points to mana.
Level 2 - 30% of hit points to mana.
Level 3 - 45% of hit points to mana.
Level 4 - 60% of hit points to mana.
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 55/50/45/40 

Chain Frost (C)
Releases a jumping breath of frost that can jump up to 7 times. Frost will bounce back and forth between units that are within 750 range.
Level 1 - Deals 280 damage per hit.
Level 2 - Deals 370 damage per hit.
Level 3 - Deals 460 damage per hit.
Mana Cost: 200/ 325 / 500
Cooldown: 145 / 115 / 60 seconds

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