Download Dota Allstar v6.61b AI

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Download Dota Allstar v6.61b AI

If you looking for free download dota Allstar v6.61b AI, you can downloat at here. Some heroes are very buggy, example bane but still fun to have nightmare doing 1.8k damage. Dota Allstar v6.61b AI features :
* Changed the default item build to a new one
* AI will now show on the scoreboard
* The following AI gamemodes should now work: -st/-mc/-hg/-ng/-he/-ne/-de
* Fixed a few non-DotA items from being purchased by the AI

There are a lot of bugs, most of which are related to dummy units, including Nightmare, Blood Thirst, etc. This map is still a pre-alpha map

dowload map dota ai v6.61

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