The Last Word

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Last Word

Episode 3 of The Last Word airs Wednesday, August 12 at 10pm EST.

This week the the DotA show will be covered with your host as always, Akiri, and co-hosted by a long time member of the DotA Allstars forums. This is a person that hardly even plays DotA, but knows and loves it immensely! Recently been promoted to DA forum administrator, this person knows his DotA, and constantly checking out American, European, Aussie and every other region that DotA is highly competitive.

CEVO-Pro division predictions will be brought to you by North America DotA Syndicate staff members from The representative will be giving you the recap of matches that have been played up until Wednesday, how the predictions turned out, as well as predictions on matches that have yet to be played for the week.

Also this week we are going to start our transition into covering more areas of the globe. We will start this by moving from primarily North American coverage to the Europeans and their style of play, as well as competitive matches and tournaments going on at the moment.

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