How can i create a game for Dota on warcraft?

Monday, August 10, 2009

How can i create a game for Dota on warcraft?

I know like something about the port or i dont know. When i create a game on battlenet, nobody joins. Is it a firewall or something? How do i get rid of wutever is not letting anyone join my game.
If every single time you create any games and no one ever seems to join, tis may indeed be due to your Firewall. There is a port that needs to be opend up to allow other players to see and join your game.

If you are able to have other people join your other games, then it may be because no one wants to join your game.

But I think it's more because of a port setting on your fire wall.

Check the Battlenet website under support settings and see which port you need to have open.
It's not because of the firewall.

It's just they like playing with their own friends.

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